Health & Abundance

The human body consists of three members. The two members most familiar to the majority, are the flesh and the mind (soul). Most important than these two well-known members; however, is the life and breath of the body, also known as the spirit-man, for the absence of this member means death for the flesh and the release of the soul.

We’re all hungry and in search of what’s innately missing. Every member of the body hungers for their food. The flesh needs its basic sustenance of food, water and shelter, the mind requires knowledge (education, learning) and the spirt man will incessantly search for his source of nourishment. The spiritual foods necessary for the nurturing and elevation of the spirit are served from the offerings of the Lord’s Table.

Fasting subdues the flesh, protects the soul/mind, and strengthens the spirit-body. In the process, the mind gains clarity, and the naturally rebellious flesh learns discipline. A life lived in unity with the God-Source makes a healthy spirit man.

A broken spirit dries the bones but a merry heart does good to the man and is like good medicine. (Proverbs Chapter 17)

A healthy human spirit manages the naturally rebellious flesh, and curtails the frivolities of the mind (soul). It’s the healthy spirit man that keeps the flesh and mind in fellowship with God (Holy Spirit) and protects the entire body (person) from dangerous affiliations.

The Three Resident Members of the Human Temple/House/Body

  1. The spirit or inner man – The life, breath, heart. The very essence of the man (mankind).The spirit-man is the life/the gate keeper of the entire person. In the absence of spirit, the soul must vacate, and the flesh decays. A human is called a person solely because of his spirit-body. When spirit (life/breath) leaves, the human returns to being a lifeless body – the way he was at his creation before the breath of God gave him life (spirit-body). After the spirit came the soul and man became a living, breathing, intellectual.
  2. The soul or mind – freewill, reasoning, emotions, intellect.
  3. The flesh – flesh and blood and physical organs.

When each member of the body is properly nurtured, and adequately fed, only then will there be peace in the house (body, temple).