Bree Theodore Ministries. All Rights Reserved

Fast: Pray: Read: Believe

Fasting is healing to the body and prayer is therapeutic to the soul. The discovery of invaluable treasures and new levels of freedom are just two of the numerous and powerful benefits of fasting and prayer.

Delve into this informative guidebook and experience firsthand the ancient and time-tested secret of renewing and regeneration of the body, spirit, and soul.

When you fast, be cautious. Use wisdom in your fast selection. Listed in this guidebook are several options, and many do’s and don’ts of fasting.

Information on proper fast breaking, particularly for extended fast, must be given attention. After a Complete/Absolute Long Fast (three to seven days and nights or longer), one must be careful how such a fast is broken.

When you fast, be prepared. Before you fast, be prepared. While fasting, and particularly in the case of Absolute/Long Fasts, your preparation will be tested.

Even the novice who fasts for an entire day won’t be exempted from the common pitfalls associated with the fast and prayer sacrifice. This is where “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” comes in as an indispensable aid to all fast and prayer practitioners.

Within the pages of this invaluable guide, you will find helpful advice, accounts of the author’s novice mistakes, testimonials, struggles with the flesh, triumphs over carnal desires, and a wealth of pertinent information. “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” serves as a comprehensive resource that will undoubtedly demystify the process and clear obstacles to successful fasting.

The Power of Understanding

Knowledge is power, wisdom is liberating, and understanding is the key that grants freedom.”- Bree Theodore

A renewal of the physical body and rejuvenation of the spirit-body lead the fast and prayer practitioner into a triumphant life. Fast and pray to gain your own experiential knowledge of God. It isn’t for nothing that the commands to both fast and to pray were given by the Lord Jesus Christ, who said “When you fast” and “When you pray,” laying down the foundational rules for both practices.

Everything you need to know about fasting, prayer, worship, prayerful meditation, the three members of the human body, the Holy Spirit, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, and the importance of fasting and prayer will be discovered as you journey into this easy-to-read guidebook.

“Fasting Treasures and Prayer Freedom” is a golden key placed in the hands of discerning readers. Doors will be unlocked, and the light of the everlasting promises of the I AM God will illuminate many areas of darkness during the reading of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.”

As you read this book, share segments that resonate with you. After completing the book, let us know your thoughts. It’s guaranteed that numerous new discoveries will be yours. Use the Testimonials Link and connect with us and share the experiences of your fasts so others can learn from your personal stories.

“Fasting Treasures and Prayer Freedom” is a unique treasure trove of information that will elevate the spirit and soothe the soul. Most importantly, it will enlighten the hearts of readers about the wonderful love and mercies of God.

I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently find Me. Proverbs 8:17

“Fasting Treasures and Prayer Freedom” encourages readers to establish a strong relationship with God through various means such as prayer, fasting, reading the Bible, and meditation. It emphasizes that God is always available and will earnestly respond to those who seek Him. By actively pursuing God through these practices, readers will not be left disappointed. The book serves as a reminder that building a relationship with God requires effort and sacrifice, but the rewards of a deep and meaningful connection with Him are immeasurable.