Here’s your opportunity to share your personal experience of fasting and prayer with us. We would love to hear from you. Fasting is powerful and transformative. Share your thoughts on “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” and how it has impacted your life.

Is this your first time fasting or praying? We’re here to offer support. Are you a fasting and prayer veteran? Join the conversation and share with us.

If you’re new to fasting or praying, the guidebook: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” will become a treasured lifeline. Follow the guidelines, pray, and feel free to use this link to stay connected with BTM.

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace (who imparts his blessing and favor), who called you to be his own eternal glory in Christ, will himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you (making you what you ought to be). 1 Peter 5:10

When you fast, be discreet. It’s your personal time with God. After your fast, however, join us here and let’s celebrate together. Journal your experiences and share with us. Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)

How far can we go? Let us know. Take a photo of yourself and your copy of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.” Send it to us. We’ll share it here.

Have you read a passage of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” that has resonated with your spirit? Won’t you kindly use this testimonial link and let us know? As you read, feel free to share your favorite book excerpts here.

This is your space to rejoice. We look forward to cheering you on and celebrating with you. Cheers!

Testimonial From The Editor:

Spiritually commanding and conscience-illuminating. A blatant callback to the righteous path of Jesus Christ, and a rethink of our former ways.
I believe this piece indeed strongly resonates with and imparts every reader, both believer and non-believer alike.
I believe this is quite a beautiful and immensely uplifting book. I recommend. – Editor JR United Kingdom
