Strong: Physically, Emotionally & Spiritually

The human body is unique. One body with three resident members who all require a different kind of nourishment for their wellbeing isn’t the usual prevailing thought of what it means to be human. Yet, this is the reality for every person. With three resident members inhabiting one body; the human is unique as being an earthly inhabitant who was created in the image of the Almighty God, who breathed his own Ruach Breath into him. With the breath/spirit, the man became a living entity with a soul.

And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

The three resident members of the human body are the flesh, spirit, and soul, and each member requires a different form of nourishment. The flesh and mind are innately rebellious and will work in tandem. The flesh acts on what’s conjured in the mind. The spirit body is the one tasked with management of the unruly flesh.

In order to curtail the frivolities of the flesh and mind, the human spirit body needs to be fortified daily and must be well nourished so he won’t be easily overpowered by the well-fed flesh and mind neighbors.

The Human: One Body: Three Members: Different Nourishment

1.The spirit-body: The life and breath. The very essence of the man. The human spirit is a gift from God and returns to him in death.

2. The soul/mind: The free will (freedom of choice) reasoning, intellect (thoughts) and emotions (actions) of the human.

3. The body: The flesh, blood, and physical organs.

The flesh needs food, water, shelter.

The soul/mind requires learning/knowledge/education.

Th spirit-body (inner man) is in need of constant fellowship with his Source, and this is the subconscious God-hunger inherent in every human. The human spirit-man is fed and fortified through daily prayer, God’s Word, and regular fellowship with God.

Health Of Flesh, Spirit & Soul

Food nourishes the physical and learning enhances the mind. If one member is denied his nourishment, malnourishment will be the inevitable result. One malnourished member of the human temple (body) causes all to suffer. A malnourished spirit is most dangerous, for this creates a management vacuum and inevitably leads to a takeover by the lawless flesh and mind. A human body controlled by the flesh will be a danger to himself and others.

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24

Spiritual fasting and prayer crucifies the flesh and its incessant cravings, strengthens the spirit man and places him back in control. When combined with the daily vitamins of prayer, and fellowship with God, the unhealthy lusts and cravings of the flesh and mind are crucified.

A weakened spirit will be detrimental to the man (mankind) and it behooves every person who has been made steward of a body to become aware of their own spirit man and begin nurturing this important member of his house (temple, body).

The flesh has its basic survival necessities, and the mind needs knowledge. Likewise; spirit man’s fellowship with God is required for his strength, growth, and overall health. A weakened sprit man creates a leadership vacuum within the body and places the entire system under the lawless governance of the ill-equipped flesh and mind.

The human spirit-body yearns for God and only seeks what is of God – the Source from whence he came. This is how humans were designed by God our Creator. In His hands are the souls of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10

The human body was designed and created by God. We’re alive because of God’s breath that was breathed into us.  We belong to God…it is for this reason that the spirit-body remains in a continuous search for his Source.