Blessings Of Obedience

The study of history offers valuable insights for moving forward. Ignoring history means rejecting guidance and forfeiting priceless knowledge. I encourage you to take note of the beneficial and established historical facts on fasting and prayer from the Bible and the guidebook, “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom,” and integrate them into your contemporary life.

The incredible power and history of fasting and prayer need no alibi or embellished testimonies. The greatness of this simple and beneficial sacrificial act is already solidly documented both in Scripture and in modern life. People who regularly engage in the habit are well versed about the benefits and blessings attained from this law of faith, love, patience, obedience, communion, and humility.

Humble yourselves therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time. 1 Peter 5:6

“Sacrifices are the wages of success.” – Bree Theodore

Fasting is a sacrificial act that demonstrates humility. The Word of God reminds us that obedience is better than sacrifice. Those who fast and pray will invariably grow spiritually stronger and more rapidly than those who don’t. Every Word of God given to mankind is never lacking in purpose. One can be certain that when the guidelines of both fasting and prayer are adhered to, positive and transformative physical, emotional, and most importantly, spiritual changes are inevitable.

When pursuing something valuable, sacrifice is necessary, which involves giving up something in exchange. Every worthwhile pursuit requires a sacrifice. For instance, meal preparation is a common example of this. Planning the meal, shopping for ingredients, spending money, prepping, cooking, serving, and finally eating all require some form of sacrifice.

Eating is an extraordinary joy to mankind. When a man decides to turn down his plate for a cause, it can be ascertained that his reason for doing so far outweighs the pleasure of eating. Every sacrificial action takes one closer to the goal. It is the same for fasting and prayer. One must be willing to sacrifice their food or favorite foods, entertainment, and regular routine, in order to achieve something greater. In the same manner as a delicious meal is enjoyed after all the preparation, so too will it be for those who forsake the temporary pleasures of the flesh and mind for a greater purpose.

In Romans Chapter 12, is a reminder to the brethren/God’s children, to present the body to God as a living, holy, and acceptable sacrifice. The offering of their bodies to God in a sacrificial act serves as humans’ reasonable service to their Creator and is one of the highest forms of worship.

Surely, Lord, You bless the righteous: You surround them with Your favor as with a shield. Psalms 5:12