Fast & Pray: Be At Peace

Documented in Matthew Chapter 6:16 is the narrative of the law of fasting.

The practice of fasting isn’t just a mere choice, but is a mandatory law for all followers of the Kingdom of God (Christians/Kingdom Citizens), to which rules for proper engagement are attached.

Jesus spoke and said, “When you fast.” And proceeded to give advice on how fasting should be done.

Jesus prayed endlessly and He also fasted habitually. Prayer became one of His most sacred acts of obedience. Most notably, Jesus fasted at the beginning of His ministry to prepare himself for the work ahead.

“When you fast” also denotes that fasting can be undertaken as often as desired. However, whenever you fast, follow the rules unceasingly. Do not fast amiss or according to your own “feelings”. One can pray without fasting, but fasting cannot be undertaken while negating prayer. Prayer ushers one into God’s Presence and fasting becomes the emergency that garners an abundance of Spiritual attentiveness and blessings.

For the children of God (Christians/Kingdom Citizens) there are no ‘ifs’ about whether we should fast or not; but rather, we are given a ‘when.‘ The fast sacrifice should be normal, expected, and a regular habit for every Citizen of the Kingdom of God (Christian). When you fast, fast often. The ‘When you fast‘ command signifies liberty in choosing a time that suits us.

You Can Fast & You Can Pray

I can assure you that fasting isn’t as difficult as envisioned. The guidebook, “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom,” offers an abundance of helpful guidelines and various fasts that can be chosen. Both novices and experienced practitioners will find guidance and gain a fresh new perspective. To the unbelievers and skeptics, fast and pray, and see what God has in store for you.

Fasting isn’t a one-size-fits-all garment, and the author’s experience is proof that compliance with God’s will invites His intervention into every circumstance. The Lord knows those who are His and will ceaselessly draw near to those who draw near to Him through their expressions of love and obedience— righteous actions and godly sacrifices.

God calls anyone and everyone. You can fast, and you can pray. If you’ve never prayed before or need help, the “Prayer Freedom” Section of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” will be most helpful. It’s guaranteed that the veteran and the novice will gain insight and clarity on both fasting and prayer. If you’re unaware of the work and importance of the Holy Spirit, worship, or earnest discipleship, “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” will become a gem to be added to your library.

“When You Fast” Follow The Rules: The God Who Sees What’s Done Privately, Rewards Publicly.

The Author goes into detail in explaining the laws of both fasting and prayer and readers are in for a banquet of spiritual delicacies. Every rule is fully explained with easy to follow guidelines for the novice fast and prayer enthusiasts.

The Following Is But A Taste Of The Wealth Of Information Found Within The Pages Of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom”:

Jesus said: “Moreover, when ye (you/plural) fast, be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily (very truly) I say unto you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, (when you fast) anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father which seeth (sees) in secret, shall reward thee (you) openly. – Matthew 6:16 to 18

  1. When you fast – You must do this, it’s mandatory.
  2. Check your motives.
  3. Avoid the theatrics.
  4. Be not of a sad and sour countenance.
  5. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen.
  6. And your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you publicly.
  7. Be discreet.

These rules are fully explained in “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom”.

Blessings Of Fasting & Prayer

When you fast, be at peace. The blessings will come in the Father’s perfect timing and in accordance with His perfect will for your life.

When you fast, do not be so focused on the blessings, that the reasons for fasting become second place. The Word of the Lords reminds us in Psalms 37:25 that the righteous will never be forsaken.

When you pray, have faith. God answers prayers

Fast & Pray. Before You Fast, Pray. Read “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.” This illuminative guidebook contains a wealth of valuable information that will inspire even the most experienced practitioners of fasting. The author’s personal journey is so compelling that even those who are skeptical of fasting or the power of prayer will be motivated to join the millions of individuals who practice this age-old tradition for spiritual well-being and physical healing. Sadly, too many people remain unaware of this beneficial practice.

When God’s Kingdom and His righteousness are prioritized, all the things (blessings, heart’s desires) will be poured into our lives. (Matthew Chapter 6) As it is written: “The just shall live by faith.” – Romans 1:17