The Healthy Spirit-body

The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being. Proverbs 20:27

Although the spirit body remains the only qualified member to effectively manage the affairs of all members of the body; the flesh and mind will seek dominance early in every human life. If management is inadvertently or willfully handed over to any of these two wayward members, it brings an imbalance that can’t be hidden or ignored, and all members suffer as a result.

The spirit-body was given by God, and returns to him at life’s end. While the man (mankind) lives, a healthy spirit-body will be most beneficial to him and all whom he encounters. The human spirit-body is the true life of the man, for without his presence the human returns to being lifeless – a body or corpse.

The Spirit of God hath made me, And the breath of the Almighty hath given me life. Job 33:4

Every person is subconsciously searching for God and the human will ceaselessly and subconsciously keep searching for things to fill the void created by a discontented, malnourished, and famished spirit. It is unfortunate that so many placebos are tried and that so many poisons are tasted, before it is realized that nothing can quench the God thirst and satiate the human’s inherent God hunger…but God.

When the spirit body isn’t fed, habitually ignored, and forced into an environment unfavorable for growth, it becomes weak, and cannot function the way it should. The guidebook: Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom goes into detail of the havoc that can be wreaked on the self and others, when a weakened spirit-man is subjugated to the authority of the flesh and mind.

Listed here are just a few of the signs and symptoms of a spirit-body in need of fortification from his God-Source.

Signs and Symptoms of an Unhealthy Spirit-body

  1. Alienation from God.
  2. Extreme Worldliness.
  3. Addiction, depression, greed, wickedness, hatred.
  4. Pride, rage, aggression, impatience, vengefulness, quarrelsome, unforgiveness.
  5. All manner of immorality.
  6. Repetitive patterns of unhealthy behavior.
  7. An overabundance of other harmful behaviors that lead to a low quality of life.

The Three Resident Members of the Human Temple/House/Body

  1. The spirit or inner man – The life, breath, heart. The very essence of the man (mankind).The spirit-man is the life/the gate keeper of the entire person. In the absence of spirit, the soul must vacate, and the flesh decays. A person is called a person solely because of his spirit-man. When spirit (life/breath) leaves, the human returns to being a lifeless body – the way he was at his creation before the spirit/breath of God, and his soul, made him a living, breathing, intellectual.
  2. The soul or mind – free will, reasoning, emotions, intellect.
  3. The flesh – flesh and blood and physical organs.

Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Psalms 146:3-4

Fasting subdues the flesh and nourishes the spirit-body. In the process, the mind/soul gains illumination, and the naturally rebellious flesh learns discipline. An illuminated soul/mind and a disciplined flesh catapults the man (human) into the realm of spiritual fortitude.

In the initial hours of fasting, the flesh will respond to the prompts of the mind, and the fast practitioner will be led to question the benefits. This is all quite normal and is explained in: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.” Also listed in the guidebook, are various methods of combatting the innately lawless flesh, while simultaneously rejuvenating the mind.

The mind and flesh are always working in tandem and it takes a strong spirit-body to quiet them. Thus, the reason why fasting with prayer is paramount.

Spiritual fasting places the spirit-body in his rightful managerial role of the body, disciplines the flesh, and safeguards the soul/mind.