A Time For Healing

He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Psalms 23:3

Fasting is restorative and prayer is transformative. Not only will fasting be greatly beneficial to the physical body, but its powers of rejuvenation to the spiritual man (human spirit) demand even greater accolades.

Symptoms of unexplained lethargy, fear, and anxiety are all physical and emotional triggers, alerting the man (mankind/person) of the urgency for a time dedicated to fasting with prayer, and fellowship with God.

A fast and prayer period will be most beneficial during chaotic times. During seasons of stress or when feeling demotivated, uninspired, mentally unclear, or stuck, a period of fasting and prayer can provide significant benefits.

Fasting has the power to break through emotional, physical, or spiritual barriers and offer deliverance from stalemates. This ancient practice is a top-tier method for rejuvenating the body, spirit, and soul, and realigning oneself with God for enhanced fellowship.

Placebos to quench the man’s (humans) thirst for God can do nothing more than temporarily satisfy. In the aftermath of the placebo’s temporary solace; the ravenous God-hunger returns to life with even greater ferocity.

The flesh is inherently desirous of whatever is contrary to the Spirit (Holy Spirit) and the Spirit (Holy Spirit), what is contrary to the flesh (human). They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do what you want. (Galatians 5:17)

Draw Near To God

Every person is relentlessly but inadvertently searching for God. This is how mankind was designed by their Creator. The inexorable and exhaustive search for acceptance, love, prosperity, knowledge, and the supernatural, is a quest for God. Similarly, expressions of worldliness, the hunger for fame and fortune, and the dabbling in all manner of poison are attempts to satisfy humanity’s inherent God-hunger.

In their perpetual search for the peace and satisfaction that can only come from God, mankind may search high and low, but will continually come up empty, until they make the connection to their true God and become unified with Him in Spirit.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James Chapter 4

Fast and pray whenever the need to draw nearer to God becomes overwhelming, when answers aren’t easily forthcoming, or when stalemates obstruct elevation. God speaks to those who create time to be in His presence. When crossroads are encountered and clarity, as well as proper direction, are needed, it’s time to get quiet in submission and reflective in fasting and prayer. The power of this sacrificial act in clearing blockages, healing unhealthy habits, and other forms of spiritual bondage have been well-proven Biblically, and also in modern times. Even more powerful and comforting is the promise of the Lord to draw near to those who wholeheartedly draw near to Him.

Rescue me from my enemies, LORD, for I hide myself in You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalms 143:9 – 10

The Lord rescues all who take refuge in Him and honor Him as their God. Let the hearts of those who seek God rejoice, for they will be protected and elevated. A time of fasting with prayer can deliver healing, peace, and unexplained joy, and the author’s testimonies in the book, “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom,” are eye-openers to the wonders and mercies of God.