Bree Theodore Ministries. All Rights Reserved

Motivated To Write

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

The inspiration to write on certain subjects were God-given while engaged in fasting and prayer. At the time, it was uncertain how to begin, and little did the author know that this was her call into her Kingdom Ministry – her true God-given purpose.

Although writing and reading had always been counted among her favorite pastimes, Bree never considered herself a writer of books, and she initially struggled with the idea, questioning the accuracy of the images that had been so clearly portrayed in her spirit.

With more prayers and questions, and after much cogitation, Bree finally managed to set her fears aside and decided to at least demonstrate obedience, with the brainstorming of the first Chapters. What transpired next brought increased understanding of the perfect love of God.

Through humble obedience, the door was opened and the seek and you shall find, and ask and it will be given promises of God have been fulfilled time and again, during the writing and publishing of this book.

While in the process of writing, Bree was constantly amazed and inspired as long forgotten information continued to bubble up in her mind. The words rushed out of her spirit in the similitude of an unblocked pipe whose abundant flow had long been withheld.

All the glory goes to the Almighty God for not only providing the subject matter for this book but also following up and guiding the creative process. Bree’s testimony of this is well narrated and even the name of this book and how it was given to her will warm the hearts of many fellow believers, as they read about the mercies and the Jireh (God will provide)Truth of God.

God’s Provision

Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. Zechariah 4:6

God will provide for whatever He has asked for. Obedience is the golden key that unlocks the promises of the Omnipotent and Omniscient Father.

Fasting and prayer as a subject matter, is but the first in what has been received during Bree’s times of fasting. Out of obedience; the guidebook: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom was born.” It is ascertained that there is much more to come.

God’s constant presence and guidance have taken a single word, received by the author during meditative fellowship at a time of fasting, and transformed it into an entire book and journey that has the potential to impact countless lives. This journey is just beginning, and the author continues to be guided by God’s hand.

Faith can move mountains. This is exactly what has been done and continues to happen from the first word of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” to the very last. As you read, I implore you to open up your heart to God’s illuminative and healing light. Fasting heals and prayer is transformative.

Now Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

A thousand mile and more journey must begin with the initial wobbly step of faith. Obedience unleashes the promises of God and takes precedence over any sacrificial act.

God’s love is perfect. The Lord longs to be gracious to all who earnestly seek Him. When we come to Him in humility’s authenticity, The Father embraces and carries us through life’s most perplexing moments. His plans for us are better than any plans we could ever envision.