Pray & Believe

Prayer is oxygen to the spiritual life of mankind.” – Bree Theodore

Pray daily. Pray often. Never allow a day to go by without utilizing the gift of prayer. It’s a gift most sacred, given to mankind by their gracious Benefactor. Through his most precious prayer gift, the man (beneficiary) can easily and quickly connect with Jehovah, The I AM God of the universe.

Unsure of how to pray? It isn’t as difficult as you imagine. Can you whisper, shout or murmur? Then you can pray. Can you speak or think? Then it is ascertained that you can pray. It’s as easy as opening your mouth and speaking, as you would with a dear and trusted friend.

Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17

The “Prayer Freedom” section of the guidebook: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” offers precious gems on prayer, the art of prayer, and prayer’s significance.

Can a fish survive without water? Beloved, this is essentially what’s done when mankind alienates themselves from the Source of their survival.

Jehovah God is El Shaddai (The God who supplies all my needs). Failure to pray is a refusal of oxygen. Can mankind survive and thrive without oxygen? Spiritual death is inevitable to the soul and spirit-body who forsake prayer. Even though they may appear to flourish physically, a weakened spirit-man and a soul kept in darkness will be unable to save themselves from the effects of prayerlessness.

Spiritual Fortitude

A prayerless human is spiritually weak. Spiritual weakness creates ease of access to rogues and every other kind of degenerate who wants to waltz their way into the human temple (house, body).

“Teach us how to pray” were the words of Jesus’ disciples in Mathew Chapter 6. Jesus responded with what’s known to all and sundry as The Lord’s Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect prayer template. A breakdown of this important and powerful prayer is narrated in the “Prayer Freedom” section of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.”

It behooves every child of God to learn the art of prayer. When we pray, our words gladden the Father’s Heart. Prayer can’t be negated, and the onus is on every person to assume their own responsibility in learning how to pray.

The Lord’s Prayer: Teach Us How To Pray

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Amen. – Matthew Chapter 6 (KJV)

When you pray, pray confidently, with the belief that your words are heard by the Sovereign King of the Universe. Your prayer petitions matter. The God from which nothing can be hidden, sees, hears, and is receptive to your heart’s cry. God is just, (He loves justice) and He publicly rewards the sacrifice of those who consistently engage with Him in the secret place of prayer.

The heartfelt (effectual/fervent) and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) is able to accomplish much. Beloved, the prayers of the righteous are powerful. (James Chapter 5)

Do you pray? If not, “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” can help guide you unto the fruitful paths of prayer. Prayer isn’t as difficult as imagined. Learn the art of prayer and begin effectively communicating with God.

With “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” you’ll quickly learn the how’s, why’s, do’s, and don’ts of both fasting and prayer. Discover hidden treasures that will positively enhance and transform your life. The author’s personal testimonials of fasting, prayer, healing, and God’s presence will be sure to inspire and motivate.