The Miracle of Prayer

In my haste, (in my alarm) I said, “I am cut off from Your sight!”: Nevertheless, You heard the voice of my supplications (my cry for mercy) when I called to You for help. – Psalms 31:32

The greatest miracles aren’t uncommon signs and wonders. Although the supernatural and awe-inspiring works of God that showcase His Dunamis Power have been seen and is always cherished, the humility and unfathomable compassion of the Almighty God have made the greatest miracle available to all. From the oldest to the youngest and even from animals and nature, the worship of prayer rises from the earthly realm, penetrates the atmosphere, and enters the presence of God.

Be consistent in prayer.

This is no insignificant miracle…That a man (human, young or mature) can stand in any place on earth and simply open his mouth and speak (pray), and his words are carried before the presence of the King of the Universe, is no small feat, but one that should be wildly celebrated by all humanity.

O Lord God: Help Me

Fasting is a call for help – an emergency situation requiring urgent help from the Creator – The Rapha God (God my Healer).

In fasting and with prayer, the caller (the fast and prayer practitioner) is assured that help will come pouring in from the One who remains eternally faithful to His Word. “Even the very hairs on your head are all numbered,” He has said in Matthew Chapter 10.

The one who seeks will receive answers. Those who take time to call won’t be ignored, and all who earnestly knock will be welcomed into spiritual doors where the welcome signs have been hanging unceasingly. Those who seek spiritual answers and guidance will receive them if they are persistent and earnest in their efforts.

I waited patiently and expectantly for the LORD; And He inclined unto me and heard my cry. Be pleased, O LORD, to save me; O LORD, make haste to help me. Psalms 40:1&13