Focus On God

In my haste, (in my alarm) I said, “I am cut off from Your sight!”: Nevertheless, You heard the voice of my supplications (my cry for mercy) when I called to You for help. (Psalms 31:22)

Embarking on a fast without prayer is synonymous with a fast without God. A fast that negates prayer is purely physical and will garner only physical results. One may choose to fast for many days without prayer, but this will be unspiritual and points to what’s popularly known as a hunger strike. Others may become hitched to the bandwagon of intermittent fasting and convince themselves that they’re engaged in the same type of fast as the Biblically endorsed fast.

Fasting without prayer is akin to fasting without involving God. Such a fast would focus solely on physical aspects and yield only physical outcomes. Even if someone chooses to abstain from food for an extended period without prayer, it would lack spiritual significance and might resemble a hunger strike. Beloved, do not confuse intermittent fasting with the Biblically approved method of fasting.

I directed my attention to the LORD God to seek Him by prayer and supplications, with fasting. (Daniel 9:3)

Every form of fasting involves relinquishing certain foods or habits. Typically, fasting requires abstaining from anything that hinders spiritual growth. The book “Fasting Treasures and Prayer Freedom” outlines different fasting approaches and provides guidance on avoiding common pitfalls, as well as various fasting styles and techniques.

Fasting isn’t just a period without food but a time of deep fellowship with God. How can one have a fellowship (unity) with God if prayer – the human’s communication with God is forsaken? Physical fasting is just that – a physical act of the flesh that will earn no spiritual rewards.

Fasting and prayer is an immutable marriage ordained by God. “When you fast” and “When you pray” said the Lord, and He gave guidelines for which both ought to be done. Although one may pray without fasting, it’s impossible to fast according to Biblical standards while negating prayer. Prayer can be done independently of fasting, however, when it pertains to fasting, prayer is perpetually attached.

Physical Healing

Many are familiar with the process of autophagy where the body renews its cells during fasting. Just as in the physical, so it is in the spiritual. Physical fasting aids in cells renewal and may be wonderful for shedding of a few unwanted pounds. In Spiritual fasting, the human spirit and soul are revitalized, and combined with the physical renewal of the flesh, blockages, healing, and restoration, both in the physical and spiritual become the reality of the obedient ones who seek.

“Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 14:38

Best advice: Adhere to the rules. Fast. Pray. When you fast, pray. Pray often and be willing to step away from your food or favorite foods for a short period. The benefits of fasting and prayer are empowering. At the conclusion of your fast, food will still be in existence and it’s guaranteed that you will have gained so much more than a full stomach.

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.  Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Philippians 4:4 & 5

The Lord is at hand – Be encouraged that God is Omnipresent.

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice – Find joy in the glorious offerings of the Lord’s Table, regardless of circumstances.

Let your moderation be known unto all men – Be kind to yourself as you fast and pray. Be mindful of fellow humans. When you fast and When you pray, pray on behalf of others.