Love: The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Now faith is the substance (confidence) of things hoped for and the evidence (assurance) of things unseen. Hebrews Chapter 11

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

Love for God is the greatest commandment, followed by love for fellowmen (everyone else) – (Matthew 22:37-39) “Do unto unto others as you would love done unto you” is the world-renowned Golden Rule. Love is demonstrated via action. “If you love Me, keep My commandments,” said Jesus in John Chapter 14.

The reasons for fasting are numerous, but the primary motives for observing spiritual fasts and prayer times are authentic love and obedience. Both fasting and prayer are practices established by God as means of offering spiritual sacrifices that benefit and uplift human beings. If undertaken with a humble, loving, and obedient attitude, the God who is always faithful to His promises will respond with grace and generosity.

When You Fast

To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. Proverbs 21.3

Jesus commanded His disciples to fast and also to pray. “When you fast” He said. When you fast, and never if you fast, denotes a practice that must be wholeheartedly embraced and followed by those who identify as children of God. Fasting not only offers a plethora of physical and emotional attributes, but the spiritual blessings of this ancient and God-ordained sacrifice supersede those of the flesh and mind.

If you’ve sought answers to the numerous ills that have continually plagued, either for yourself or people whom you care deeply about, fasting and prayer may be the hidden key that you haven’t yet tried. A fast and prayer sacrifice is done for the fortification of the spirit man, and attainment of greater unity with God. The human spirit is strengthened from daily prayer, God’s Word, and worship. During fasting, fellowship with God takes pre-eminence and time must be set aside for edification through these spiritual offerings.

Urgent Spiritual Attention

You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth (mourning attire) and clothed me with joy. Psalms 30:11

Fasting and prayer constitute a spiritual emergency, not only aiding in overcoming difficult life situations but also garnering recognition and personal attention from God for the practitioner. While the act does not change God, it serves as a sacrificial offering that greatly pleases the Father and elevates the individual. A temporary period of fasting, (akin to sackcloth and mourning), brings about freedom—transforming sorrow into dancing and paving the way for times of rejoicing.

In Matthew Chapter 11:28, Jesus beckoned all anchorless souls unto Himself: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He said. “Take My Yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

The faithful LORD, who upholds His Word, also remembers the blessings that come with adhering to His laws, including the law of fasting. Just think about the incredible attention and favor that can be bestowed upon someone who captures the King’s attention! The author of “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom,” and other individuals, have shared countless inspiring testimonies that provide undeniable evidence of God’s responsiveness when His children cry out to Him and follow His Word. Such benefits gained from obedience to the Law can only strengthen one’s faith in the dependability and kindness of the Lawgiver.

Regular fasting and praying create wellbeing and contentment within the human temple. When the physical body is in a state of satiety from the healthy and tasty offerings of The Holy Spirit, the overflow of God’s goodness filters its way into every other area of life.

“Therefore you shall love the LORD your God, and always keep His charge, His statutes, His precepts, and His commandments (It is your obligation to Him.) Deuteronomy 11:1

True love is reflected through actions. Humanity has a responsibility to love and honor the Lord, and such obedience is not merely optional but a fundamental law of the Kingdom of God. Obedience is not without reward.