Taste And See: God is Good: Fasting is Powerful and Prayer is Life-Changing. Bree’s Testimony Will Inspire You.

Bree Theodore Ministries – All rights Reserved

I sought the Lord and He heard me and He delivered me from all my fears. Psalms 34:4

The Father’s compassionate heart encourages His human creation to come to Him to find rest for their weary souls. (Matthew 11:28)

Experience is a patient teacher, imparting numerous lessons and trustworthy knowledge. Among these lessons, the awareness of God’s loving and protective presence in my life before I was even born is most cherished.

God was never absent but perpetually present. It took reaching rock bottom for me to finally turn around and acknowledge the presence of the Savior, who has promised to never leave or forsake. (Psalms 9:10) His Word is truth, and His promises are irrevocably sealed with a resounding ‘Yes’ and an ‘Amen.’ (2 Corinthians 1:20)

In my brokenness and deep despair, I sought answers, and The Father came knocking. When I opened up my heart’s door to His call, He wasn’t accusatory at all. Tenderly, He picked me up, wrapped His loving arms around me, and claimed me as His own, even when I felt so undeserving. Beloved, such is the all-encompassing, abundant, and unmatched love of God. He loved us all before we were even born, and His perfect love continues to comfort and empower all who turn to Him.

  1. Seek and you shall find.
  2. Knock and the door shall be opened.
  3. Ask, and you shall receive. – (Matthew 7:7-8)

These are just three of the everlasting promises of the Faithful God, who is continually mindful of every promise and covenant between Himself and His human creation.

Light In The Darkness

There’s a reason why you feel lost, stuck, fearful, or riddled with anxiety. The innate God-hunger is connatural, and nothing will satiate this ubiquitous human hunger for his Source… but God. No matter how much we try to fill this hunger with worldly possessions, relationships, or achievements, we will never find true fulfillment until we turn to God. He is the only One who can truly satisfy our deepest longings and desires, and He alone can provide us with the peace and rest that we so desperately crave.

God is Light and Truth. Therefore, His absence from the life of mankind (humans) will be manifested through darkness, falsehoods, and a smorgasbord of other negatives. The decision to return to God’s transformative light is a decision made by the free will of humans. God is perfect love, gently beckoning every soul to enter into His rest (find rest in Him). However, the God of Truth cannot retract the gift of free will that He has graciously bestowed upon mankind.

Through prayer, I was led to the Word of God, which ultimately led me to incorporate fasting into my life, leading to a complete transformation. During my fasting experience, the Lord revealed Himself to me in profound ways, and these testimonies are documented in my book titled: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.” It is my sincere hope that this guidebook will inspire and provide guidance to those searching for truth or seeking their own life-changing testimony.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

Answers & Purpose

It was during a period of fasting and prayer that the Book: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom” was birthed. This wasn’t the only message received, and I invite you to stay tuned for follow-ups. It’s my heartfelt desire that the lives of those who read this guidebook will be illuminated by the blessed Light of God.

God is The Sovereign King and Alpha Omega. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and my fervent desire is that all would come to know the Lord and receive their own experiential knowledge of the One whose love is unfathomable. The Father loves every human soul, and His call is that everyone—whosoever—to come to Him to receive rest and comfort for their weary and disconsolate soul. (Matthew 11:28)

It wasn’t my decision to pursue these Ministries; rather, God chose me, just as He chooses each and every person. God has a unique plan and purpose for every human life, and anything that lacks purpose cannot exist in the earthly realm.

In my weakness, feeling forgotten and rejected, in my deepest anguish, I thought it was over. Just when I thought it was finished, in stepped the Benevolent Father, whose illuminative light has unequivocally transformed my life and birthed a Ministry.

On a subsequent fast, I received a healing touch from God for a troubling health situation, and all doubts about the graciousness and faithfulness of the Omnibenevolent Almighty God were discarded. This inspiring testimony is among the many narratives of God’s grace shared in the book: “Fasting Treasures & Prayer Freedom.” Fasting with prayer has become a lifestyle, continuing to strengthen me in body, spirit, and soul. God is awe-inspiring and his mercy endures forever.

God is able to perform miraculous wonders beyond our wildest imaginations, and I have firsthand knowledge of this. Although I initially struggled to acquiesce to His plans for my life, I am so happy that I finally let go and let God. All I can say is thank you, Father, for your unconditional love that surpasses all human understanding. Truly, You are Jehovah Shalom and Jehovah Shammah – the God of Peace and the God of Abiding Presence.

The Lord continually perfects all that concerns me. Blessed and highly exalted is Your name O Lord God. In you I find my rest.

The Savior said: “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let not your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

Beloved, it’s important to understand that true peace cannot be found in the world. The world simply doesn’t have the capacity to provide something it lacks. However, those who have found fellowship with the Savior have access to a peace that surpasses human understanding. With this peace, we need not live in fear or be consumed by worries. We can trust in God’s promises and find comfort in His words of truth. Even during times of great turmoil and uncertainty, those who have anchored their lives to God will remain steadfast and unshaken.